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Code of Ethics and Conduct

In today's diverse and digital coaching landscape, Professional Coaches are held to rigorous standards to ensure the wellbeing and best interests of their clients. This includes adapting to digital mediums for meetings and maintaining the integrity of the coaching relationship in an online environment.


  1. Fiduciary and Ethical Obligations
    Professional Coaches bear the fiduciary responsibility to always act in the best interest of their clients, prioritizing their wellbeing and goals above all else. This extends to digital interactions, ensuring the same level of commitment and care as in-person sessions.

  2. Transparency and Honesty
    Coaches must operate with utmost honesty and integrity, ensuring all statements made to clients and in marketing materials are truthful. They should not promise services or outcomes that are beyond their capacity to provide, maintaining clarity and integrity in their offerings.

  3. Professional Boundaries
    Maintaining a professional relationship, particularly in the digital space, is paramount. Coaches should establish clear boundaries to prevent any inappropriate interactions, including avoiding any sexual or romantic relationships with clients.

  4. Conflict Resolution
    Coaches are responsible for identifying and resolving any conflicts of interest that may arise in their work with clients. This requires open discussion and, if necessary, removing themselves from the coaching relationship to maintain the client's best interests.

  5. Personal Wellbeing
    Recognizing and addressing personal issues that may impact their work is crucial for coaches. This may include taking breaks or referring clients to other professionals if needed to ensure the client receives the support they need.

  6. Clear Communication and Agreements
    Coaches are responsible for clearly explaining the nature of coaching, the expectations for sessions, and ensuring clients understand their rights, including the right to terminate the coaching relationship. A clear and comprehensive coaching agreement should be established before the initiation of sessions.

  7. Empowerment and Responsibility
    Encouraging clients to take responsibility for their actions and choices is a core component of coaching, helping them to develop autonomy and agency in their lives.

  8. Confidentiality
    Upholding strict confidentiality is essential, particularly in digital interactions where information security is paramount. Coaches must ensure they do not share client information unless required by law, with the only exceptions being concerns for the client's or others' safety.

  9. Continuous Learning
    Professional development is key, with coaches committed to continuously developing their skills and ensuring they provide the highest caliber and most effective coaching possible.

In summary, Professional Coaches in today’s digital age are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and client care, adapting their practices to ensure they meet the unique demands and opportunities of online coaching.


Client/Coach Boundaries: Detailed Expectations

Maintaining clear and appropriate boundaries between a coach and a client is crucial for a professional and effective coaching relationship. These boundaries help in creating a safe, respectful, and confidential space where the client can openly share and work towards their goals.
Below is a detailed expectation for maintaining these boundaries when working with Deanna Byrne Coaching:


1. Professionalism:

  • Communication: All interactions, whether in person, over the phone, or through digital means, should remain professional and focused on the coaching objectives. Personal topics unrelated to coaching goals should be avoided.

  • Time: Sessions should start and end on time. Any contact outside of scheduled sessions should be limited and related to coaching objectives.

2. Confidentiality:

  • Privacy: All discussions within coaching sessions are confidential. The coach should not disclose any information shared by the client unless required by law or if there is a risk of harm to the client or others.

  • Security: In digital communications and storage of client information, the coach must use secure methods to protect client confidentiality.

3. Respect:

  • Personal Space: The coach should respect the client’s personal space, both physically and emotionally. This includes avoiding inappropriate comments, gestures, or any form of harassment.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: The coach should respect the client’s values, beliefs, and cultural background, ensuring an inclusive and supportive coaching environment.

4. Professional Boundaries:

  • Role Clarity: The coach must clearly communicate the nature and limits of the coaching relationship, ensuring the client understands the difference between coaching and therapy or counseling.

  • Avoiding Dual Relationships: The coach should avoid entering into multiple roles with the client that could impair objectivity, professionalism, or create a conflict of interest.

5. Empowerment:

  • Client Autonomy: The coach should empower the client to make their own decisions, avoiding any form of coercion or undue influence.

  • Encouraging Independence: The coach should encourage the client to develop self-reliance and not foster dependency on the coaching relationship.

6. Termination of Coaching:

  • Clear Process: There should be a clear process in place for the termination of the coaching relationship, ensuring it is done professionally and with consideration for the client’s wellbeing.

  • Referrals: If the coach recognizes that the client’s needs fall outside the scope of coaching, or if the coaching relationship is no longer beneficial, the coach has a responsibility to refer the client to appropriate resources or professionals.

7. Continuous Development and Supervision:

  • Self-Reflection: The coach should regularly reflect on their own practice, ensuring they maintain appropriate boundaries and seeking supervision or consultation if any issues arise.

  • Ethical Guidelines: The coach should adhere to ethical guidelines provided by relevant professional bodies, ensuring their practice is aligned with industry standards.

By adhering to these detailed expectations, the coach can ensure a professional, respectful, and effective coaching relationship, fostering a supportive environment where the client can thrive and achieve their goals.



©2020 by Deanna L. Byrne Coaching - all content, pictures, and videos must have express written consent to use.

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