At 5:05 this morning my amazing husband and soul mate took his last breath. On Tuesday evening he started with a headache that worsened quickly. By the time we got to Windsor he was confused and lacked the ability to use his leg function. The ER staff at the Windsor hospital were exceptional. They quickly realized this was a serious condition and connected with QE11 to look at options. Terry was suffering from what they called a "brain bleed". The pressure in his head was causing permanent damage. They called it a stoke on steroids. Due to Terrys medical conditions he was not a candidate for transfer, CT scan and subsequent brain surgery and at this time it was noted the damage already done was substantial. Terry was always very vocal about having a DNR in place as he never wanted to a burden to anyone. He was then moved upstairs into the palliative care room. Terry lost consciousness late Tuesday evening but never lost his hearing. He was always receptive to sound, voices and talking. The care from the nursing staff was exceptional, caring and professional. They allowed us the space we needed, however made sure that Terry did not suffer at all. Terry held on until Ben could arrive from Nashville. He was able to spend time with both Sarah and Ben which would have been something so very dear to his heart. To my dear friends who made sure I was ok, fed and loved. Your compassion and friendship is more than words can express, Mel, Sarah & Greg, thank you for ensuring Charlee was ok. Karen, Mel and Marjie, no words can express my love for you three. And Sue, my rock and my strength, thank you. Thank you for knowing when I needed time, needed to cry and needed to breathe. Terry died from a Brain aneurysm which can go unnoticed with no symptoms at all. The only symptom will be a severe headache and, in most cases, will be too late. Terry was a compassionate, giving and gentle soul who loved his family beyond words. Sonny and now Charlee were his side kicks and he treated them like little hairy humans. He was always my rock, my inspiration and my world. He has left a void that will be here forever in not only me but our beautiful children and anyone who has had the pleasure of getting to know him. He has also left a huge part of himself in us which is priceless. To my family who allowed us the space we needed to process, thank you. My husband was a fearless warrior and a man that never allowed anything to stop him, protected his family fiercely and was a man of his word. I always called him the 1% of humanity. They say time heals all wounds; I do not suspect this here. The void left in my heart is unimaginable and it will not heal, it will change and foster but will not heal. Your laughter, your vision, your support and your patience was something that helped me become the woman I am today. I love you yesterday, I love you today and I love you tomorrow. Fly free my fearless warrior, you are now in the arms of God and are with your cherished Sonny Boy. I was blessed to have twenty years by your side. Until I see you again my love, fly free. Thank you all for the messages, texts and calls. They warm my heart, however I do not have the energy to respond. They do mean the world to me though xo
